A mid-summer night’s views…

Waiting for the husband to switch off his darling TV and come to bed is an everyday ritual I go through. I’ve already written about how much I hate it. I’ve tackled it in various ways:

  • cajoling him to see how droopy my eyes are, gain his sympathy and get him off the sofa to switch the TV off
  • losing patience, yelling and going off to bed on my own when he doesn’t budge or switch the TV off
  • giving him “5 more minutes” before I switch the TV off (!!)
  • covering his eyes in a light moment and taking advantage of that moment to convince him to switch the TV off

Let me tell you: 95% of the times, I’ve ended up not winning the situation and in me ending up all miffed and cross 😀 So, the latest strategy is to let him be, snuggle with him till I can tolerate the TV, and then either go upstairs to our room and just read a book. Wow! Now I realise, that is the most effective utilisation of waiting-time 😉 Or, I play DX-Ball on my iPod. Or, I get out on to the balcony and catch on cam what gos on in the ‘outside’ world 😉

These happened yesternight 😉

I went up to our room to realize that the night was warm. When I opened the balcony door to let in some fresh, cool air…I saw how nice the view was. And I rushed down to get the cam, rushed back up and clicked.

View from the balcony

As I went out on to the balcony, cam in hand, going through the many shots of the “view”, I noticed how good the tree in front looked in the pale moonlight and the bright street light. And I clicked.

The beautiful tree just outside the gate 🙂

So, then I realised if I tilt the cam further up, I can avoid the bright street light and catch the pale moonlight. It was a challenge. there were just too many dark clouds moving about, and the moon kept playing hide-and-seek. Now and then, it peeped out, daring me to click. And I clicked.

Moon caught in the act 😉

And that’s when Bangalore’s most famous inhabitants, the stray dogs, decided to embark on their daily round table woof sessions. Punctual like a cuckoo clock, I must say! The lead of one pack managed to scare away the other and then stood back to woof the last woof of the night. And I clicked.

The last woof of the night...

Suddenly, the night became silent. No dogs woofed for a while. No vehicles whizzed past. No lone walker walked. All that remained as I turned around to get back in, was a lone car by the park. And I clicked. the last click of the night.

A lone car on a lovely night

Yes, I agree. Senseless post this one. Only for you, for it made a lot of sense to me 😀 It isn’t always that I take some time off to enjoy a breezy, cool night.What the heck; I work till 11 p.m. and come home tired and ready to hit the bed!

And to add to that, it was a night without quarrels, without pressures, without misgivings. Just content, happy enjoyment of a mid-summer night’s views. All that was missing was Pumbaa, who was snoring away downstairs, in Amma’s room. And, the husband who till then had been struggling to switch the TV off, had actually ditched it for me 😀 😀 😀 For he knows I just can’t sleep without the daily dose of hugs and kisses 😉

50 thoughts on “A mid-summer night’s views…

  1. That ritual happens at my home too!
    Getting the fresh air at mid night should be really good! I liked the moon click a lot!
    And woofing of dogs – when i was in BLR, I can never sleep with that noise of naais, u see.


  2. Its the other way round at our place.. husband tries all kind of tricks to get my laptop shut down.. he irritates me to the point when i give up though he doesn’t win everytime. i must tell him about this trick of photography to kill that time 🙂
    lovely pics btw.. why no pics of cuddly sleeping/snoring Pumbaa?


  3. My hubby dislikes to see me blogging after dinner and just like Tara mentioned, I hardly blog at night 😛
    But I liked the way you captured the calm night in your camera 😀 😀 😀
    Have a relaxed weekend!!


  4. U are such a nice wife u dont fight with him rght…if i were in ur place..no dont want to imagine that..good utilization of time..hope u can capture some more interesting pics in da coming days 🙂


  5. This couldn’t have made more sense to me. I relate to every word. Except in my case, its not the TV. It’s the laptop. I suffer and sulk everyday. And he simply cannot understand why I can’t sleep unless he does. Have whined about it on my blog. Yay, I feel so happy knowing I am not alone 😀


    • I can sooooo relate to the line “he simply cannot understand why I can’t sleep unless he does”!
      Link me to your whine post 😉 let me read 😀
      I’m sooo happy too. Looks like there’s more than one of us in this.


  6. This makes me wonder….. how long my wife (when I get one) will survive me?? I am such a movies, football and cartoons fan, I am always glued to my laptop or TV. I just wish she will not turn to domestic violence!! Pray!!! 😀


    • Hehehe…get one who has the same craze. My bro’s girlfriend is a TV/film freak and sometimes we say we siblings ended up with two very similar ppl! 😀
      And, if she doesnt like TV, get her agood cam, a good laptop and teach her blogging! she’ll leave you alone 😉


  7. Did you see how alert that dog was? And you say it all went silent after that? Are you sure it was totally silent? And there was no other reason for dogs to go silent than they were bored of barking? Was that dog looking at something? Did you see what it was looking at so intently? :mrgreen:


    • Yes, I saw how alert the dog was. In fact, if he wasn’t that alert, the pic would have blurred! It was totally silent after that (for a while). Boredom wasn’t the only reason. Some dogs do not see any reason to continue barking once they have scared away intruders and have established their authority. Yes, that was definitely a dog looking at the receding butts of other dogs 😛 Yes, I saw, and that’s why I’ve just written what the dog had been looking at 😀 :mrgreen:


  8. I do agree that this is a sensible post, Priya….and I totally relate to the switching the TV off ritual…. 😉

    I just leave my man with the TV and bang the bedroom door warning him, if hes late, he might be sleeping outside…..Sometimes, he comes running…. 😉 😉

    Lovely pics….looks like u are a pro….the new camera giving u new posts too. 🙂 🙂


    • Hehe…and I thought this’d be one post that’d be comepletely senseless to others!!
      ROFL! Yup; banging doors I’ve done too…but it seems to work more on scaring the neighbour than scaring the husband 😀

      Thanks! *blushing* No no…am still learning 😉 i’ve no idea how to use a digi SLR !!


  9. heheh.. same thing happens at my place too 🙂 its the laptop that takes the limelight.. he can be stuck on it forever! 😀 i just give him 5 mins then another 5 and then he will be talkin to me by then i cldn hve cared less i wld be fast asleep 🙂 btw louveeely pics 🙂


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