Minuscule world, this blog world!

Yea, so we blog. We and post stories and fiction and memoirs and pictures and rants and leg-pullers and all kinds of stuff.

We make friends, and ‘sisters’ and ‘brothers’ and ‘soul mates’ and all kinds of relationships.

And there are times when you come across a blog through another’s, read through, like it and comment on it. And that person comes back and reads through, likes it and comments on yours.

And it’s all the normal bloggy stuff.


She (evidently a dog lover and still nursing memories of Goofy) shows pictures of your long lost pet to her husband. And, is in for a surprise when the husband, instead of noticing the pet that was intended to be noticed, notices the man standing by it and says (not verbatim) “Oh! I know him. This is xxxx who lived behind the Vanchiyoor Court (Trivandrum, Kerala). I’m sure.”

So she mails you and asks “Hey. I was showing pictures of Pumbaa to my husband when he looks at your dad and says he’s very familiar. Did he live in Vanchiyoor”? And so, a trail of mails goes to and forth till you realize you’re no longer just blog-friends, but relatives too!

And my dad knows not just her husband, but his brothers, the house they lived in, and even knew one of the brothers who was in the Income Tax!

This weekend, I realised Shail (Shail’s Nest) is my dad’s uncle’s brother-in-law’s wife’s first cousin’s wife! 😀 😀 😀 Yey! How much closer can we get?

Okie! In simpler terms, the brother-in-law mentioned above is just like my grandpa to me. So, that makes us pretty close relatives! 😛 😛 😛

And to think I’ve seen the name “Shail” and noticed her comments in many of my blog friends’ comment sections since a loooooong time, but never bothered to link through and read it… and the week that we actually linked to one another, we realize we’re relatives.

It isn’t just a small world, it’s a rather minuscule one!

Blogging rocks! 🙂

71 thoughts on “Minuscule world, this blog world!

  1. Indeed its a minuscule world, this world of blogging! Well well well, who would have thought eh?!!!

    In Trivandrum they say, Nairs are all related. And it happens often enough at weddings that you start talking as strangers and end up being related in some convoluted way or other. 🙂 And now we are unearthing relatives in the blogging world too! 😉
    The words you attributed to my husband are verbatim correct. But when I mailed you, I did not want to make a blooper, so just asked you if your Dad had stayed somewhere near the court! But it turns out the L & M was 100% right! 😀 😀
    Well, I have been noticing your comments too especially since your name says, Scorpria and my junior son is also a Scorpio. 😀
    Yesterday I had a visitor and I came to know more about you through them 🙂 I am waiting to visit your Grandpa (once when we had gone out together someone asked me if he was my Dad) and tell him all the latest developments! The most difficult part is telling everyone how we happened to meet. No one seems to have an idea what blogs are about! 😉 Besides none of them know that I write! 😉


    • Ha! Vimmuuu just as a tenant is a pain…can’t relate to him being a relative 😀
      But well, judging from the antics of the two, I have a feeling we may already be! 😮 😛
      You, in an angelic way? 😀 Impossible…er er…i mean…it’s possible 😀


  2. Whoa!! You found a relation!! 😀 Seriously a small world!!! I can imagine the trill while you narrowed it down and then discovered you’ve been seeing through her comments!!

    Given the relatives I have, i only hope there are no more to be discovered! 👿


  3. That relation was pretty close 😛 tried reading through it twice and imagine who of whom!!! neways congrats in having found a relative 😛 hope u dnt start a pledge all ‘trivandr-ians’ are my brothers and sisters 😉 … and one of the brothers was in the ‘income tax’???? 😀


    • hehehe…i know. that’s how it was detailed to me by dad n mom. am an obedient kid 😀
      hehe..yea, i will start that pledge — but will remember to mention you-know-who as a devil.

      And yes…if you can be in “international business machines”, he could easily be in “income tax” 😛


  4. Lol … that was intererting .. and you describe the relations quite similar to my mom who often speaks about them and when i ask them what way they are related to us , she actually ig chain of relatives into that . 🙂
    Indeed a small world 🙂


    • Hehehe…i know…this is exactly how it was detailed to me 😀 Usually, i twist it all around and identify the wrong person. This time when i didnt goof up, she was like “because its a blog friend, she gets the chain perfectly :P” 😀 😀


  5. Oh WOW !!! Thats interesting….and yes, its a small world. 🙂

    And I loved the little Pumba’s pics….my girls were going Awww at every pic of that little one. Now, pestering for a new dog has begun at home, thanks to u. 😉 😉


  6. It is a tiny world indeed. But my blog being discovered by extended family scares the daylights out of me. I am not sure I write about stuff that is too politically correct and I wouldn’t feel easy if someone from my in laws chanced upon it 😀

    But there is a different connection and a different level of trust if the person who discovered it is a blogger to. Cheers to such bonds!


  7. Itz..not just becos itz a minuscule world itz also becos ur blog is something worth reading!!!!
    There are lakhs of blogs….but its not like every one is getting back some one who is related with…
    So ur blogging is too good n that make people to visit it again n again 🙂


  8. Interesting read. Well the relationship which you mentioned is tooo close..hehe.. quite hilarious and nicely written articles you have in your blog.
    Nice to know that you are from Trivandrum too.. Trivandrum rocks !!


    • Welcome to AlphabetWorld! 🙂
      Hehehe…yea. “Close” relatives…you being a malayali too, am sure, would’ve heard your amma ro aunts or grannies say “nammade adutha bandhuvalle…avante ivalde matteaalde ayaalde ivante avante…” blah blah 😀

      Thanks 🙂

      Yep, Trivandrum rocks! 😉 So does your blog. Fodder for a travel freak like me 😉


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